Rabbit Laser USA

Payment Options

Ordering Online

  • We accept Paypal through our online shopping cart
  • We accept major credit cards through our online shopping cart

Ordering Over the Phone

Payments - We do our best to work with payment methods of our customers.


Bank Wire Transfer

Security - This is the safest way for us to quickly send and receive payments sufficient for this type of product.



  • Business, Cashier, or Personal Check - All Checks MUST completely clear banking systems before products are released for shipping.
  • Checks must be sent by some sort of trackable mail system.
  • Mailing with Insured and signature required is at your discretion. We prefer to NOT require signature.

Purchase Order

PO's are only accepted by schools and universities.


Lease Agreement

Can use any leasing company that your business prefers or one of the Lease companies that we have worked with before. Payment and Ownership Transfers are according to the lease agreement.


Rabbit Laser USA reserves the right to reject a sale based on the "feel" of the contract.

*We want to help our customer and let you know if it just doesn't seem right.

*We can help you find a respectable leasing company that fits your needs.


  • No arguments. Cash is nice and accepted anywhere.
  • Small unmarked bills are preferred.. Be prepared to have money checked at a bank.
  • There is no discount for paying "CASH". All payment funds are processed and considered good as cash prior to shipment.
  • Do NOT send a brick of cash in the mail.

Preferred Leasing Companies:

North Star Leasing

P.O. Box 4505 

Burlington, VT 05406-4505 

Contact: Tina Torres-Buzzell

Email: tina@northstarleasing.com

Phone: (802) 540-1756


Balboa Capital

575 Anton Blvd

Suite 1080

Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Contact: Michael Rossi

Email: Michael.Rossi@balboacapital.com

Phone: (949) 553-3442




We understand that every potential customer is out there looking for the best deal they can get... and every customer wants the deal that is best for the needs. Rabbit Laser USA reserves the right to reject a sale based on the "feel" of the situation. If any customer is trying to use a leasing agency, then we would like to help make sure the leasing company is truly helping the customer.

We at Rabbit Laser USA also need to protect ourselves. If the sale seems more like a scam, then we may choose to delay the delivery until further investigation is made. We have actually had people try to send trucks to pick up equipment that was not paid for and ask us to also pay the shipping and transfer fees. The point is that "It's a tough world out there and everyone needs to be careful!" Please call or email us if you would like to talk about this more. Rabbit Laser USA Offices: 513-217-5707

Don't miss out on our ever-changing inventory of used CO2 and fiber laser machines. Call 513-217-5707 now for more information about our available machines, and let us help you find the perfect solution for your laser cutting and engraving needs.

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